Publications, Conference Papers and Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Publications
C. Alexander. Review of Exploring Past Images in a Digital Age: Reinventing the Archive edited by Nezih Erdogan and Ebru Kayaalp. Synoptique: An Online Journal of Film and Moving Image Studies. Forthcoming.
C. Alexander and C. Intson, “Bimbos and Bombs: The Barbenheimer Phenomenon,” Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, March 11, 2024.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts for Conferences – Sole Authorship
C. Alexander. “Content, Context, and Conspiracies: (Mis)representations of Public History on YouTube.” Australian Historians’ Association Conference, July 2024, Sydney, Australia.
C. Alexander. “Bringing History to Life”: Animating Historical Portraits through AI.” Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Conference, June 2024, Reading, England.
C. Alexander. “Palimpsestuous: Affective Mediation/Remediation Practices in Digital History Content Creation.” Association of Internet Researchers Doctoral Colloquium, October 2022, Dublin, Ireland.
C. Alexander. “The Ethics of Neutrality in Digital Archives: A Case Study of the Federal Writers’ Project Slave Narratives.” Critical Digital Humanities Initiative Conference, October 2021, Virtual.
C. Alexander. “Enabling Access to the Federal Writers’ Project Slave Narratives: Intersectionality in Digital Archive Design.” Western Association of Women Historians Conference, April 2020, Costa Mesa, CA. Postponed due to COVID-19.
C. Alexander. “Enabling Access to the Federal Writers' Project Slave Narratives: A Case Study of Intersectionality in Digital Archive Design.” ACCESS, October 2019, Edmonton, AB.
C. Alexander. “Rachel Bross, A Canadian Slave, and Judicial Emancipation in 1790s Nova Scotia: The Court Cases of R. v. Hecht and Hecht v. Moody.” History and Classics Department Lunch Lectures, April 2018, Edmonton, AB.
C. Alexander. “Designing a Database: Enabling Access to Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers Project.” University of Alberta Humanities Computing Conference, March 2018, Edmonton, AB.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts for Conferences – Conference Presenter, Member of Research Team
C. Alexander, A. Borynec, Y. Chen, J. Elmergreen, K. Gordon, S. Gouglas, E. Kuznetsov, Z. Liu, A. Owino, A. Phelps, L. Salvador Dias, “The Work of Play: A survey of graduates from higher education programs in video games.” Canadian Game Studies Association Conference, June 2019, Vancouver, BC.
C. Alexander, A. Borynec, Y. Chen, K. Gordon, E. Kuznetsov, A. Owino, L. Salvador Dias, S. Gouglas, “Formal Education Update: So much data, so little time.” Refiguring Innovation in Games Conference, October 2018, Vancouver, BC.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts for Conferences – Member of Research Team
C. Alexander, Y. Chen, K. Gordon, S. Gouglas, Z. Liu, A. Owino, L. Salvador Dias, “The State of Video Game Education: Canadian, American, and Californian Post- Secondary Programs.” Refiguring Innovation in Games Conference, October 2019, Toronto, ON.
C. Alexander, A. Borynec, A. Budac, Y. Chen, K. Gordon, S. Gouglas, E. Kuznetsov, A. Owino, L. Salvador Dias, “Maybe 3 more menu bars will solve the problem: Methodological challenges in data collection from post-secondary websites.” Refiguring Innovation in Games Conference, October 2018, Vancouver, BC.
C. Alexander, J. Beyer, A. Borynec, A. Budac, Y. Chen, L. Salvador Dias, K. Gordon, S. Gouglas, Z. Kane, E. Kuznetsov, A. Owino, “California Gamin’: The State of Californian Formal Education in Video Games,” Canadian Game Studies Association Conference, May 2018, Regina, SK.
Public Facing Publications
C. Alexander. “‘Bringing History to Life’: Animating Historical Portraits with Artificial Intelligence.” University of Reading Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Blog Series, September 20, 2024, with-artificial-intelligence/.
C. Alexander. “Too soon? Titan or Titanic, people always make weird jokes about rich people’s tragedies.” The Conversation, June 16, 2024, make-weird-jokes-about-rich-peoples-tragedies-227521.
Ellen Schoeck, Taking Charge: A History of the SU and GSA, 1908–2021. University of Alberta Press: 2021. Editorial Assistant and Contributing Writer.
Ellen Schoeck, Taking Care: Alumni Stories about Life in the Original Residences and Lister Hall, 1911-2020. University of Alberta Press: 2020. Editorial Assistant and Contributing Writer.
HEVGA, “2019 Survey of Program Graduates”, Report for the Higher Education Video Game Alliance (HEVGA), May 2019. Editorial Assistant and Contributing Researcher.
Ellen Schoeck, Born to Build: Peoples’ History of the Faculty of Engineering, 1906-2018. University of Alberta Press: 2018. Editorial Assistant and Contributing Writer.
Research Positions
GLAM Incubator
2023 – present
Coordinating a research and support hub that connects galleries, libraries, archives, and museums with industry partners, researchers, and students
Facilitating communications between organizations, assisting GLAM organizations in executing projects, organizing the hiring of research assistants, coordinating applications
Center for Culture and Technology Writing Workshop
2023 – present
Co-convening a writing workshop for graduate students
Critical Digital Methods Institute
2022 – present
Organized post-conference event on Artificial Intelligence
History Publications on University of Alberta
2018 – present
Performing archival research, conducting interviews, writing sections, editing drafts, and supervising final copy to book design, including all citations and footnotes.
Archives in Action Workshops and Symposiu
Co-coordinator of a symposium that brought together academics, cultural workers, and community practitioners to generate a National Action Plan concerning key policy issues affecting marginalized audiovisual archives in Canada at local, regional, and national levels
Creative Hubs and Networks
2021 – 22
Refined tagging system and controlled vocabulary for Project Dictionary
Worked on publicly available Zotero, which will be published through the library
ReFiguring Innovation in Games Project
2017 – 20
SSHRC-funded, international multi-institution project promoting diversity and equity in video game industry and culture
Designed and conducted interviews, developed and distributed surveys, translated surveys and interview questions from English to French